X-Men Hiatus


Well stupid me I didn't go get a flu shot. My fiancée came down with either a stomach virus or the flue and I caught it.

For the past couple of days Ive been running a high fever and feel completely like crap. Yet I still think about creating sim things. Crazy obsessions.

Anyway I managed to get Nightcrawler done before I got sick. He just needs some tweaking. When I feel better I'm starting Wolverine.

Cu guys and stay well

Now playing: Cat Stevens - Remember - The First Cut Is The Deepest
via FoxyTunes

Gambit's Done!


Gambit is my all time 100% favorite character. I put alot of tender long an care into him. Even did his eyes and a customish mesh. And yeah...you know that is why the ladies love him and men hate him. *wink wink*


I finished up his mask. Im uploading him to the site soon.

Now playing: Fort Minor - Remember the Name
via FoxyTunes