Black Christmas



Hey guys!

How was your Christmas? Mine was pretty good.

WOW has taken me away from my simming again but I am back on track and working on those previews I showed you guys.

Happy New year! Don't get to drunk!

Much HIM Love


Originally uploaded by deadmetalflick
I know I have completely ignored teens on my site so I am showing some love for them and much love for HIM. Comming soon :D

A Little scrap


J-Goth Scrap
Originally uploaded by deadmetalflick
Here is a scrap of what I am working on

Finals Over...Website time

Yay my finals are done with and I have time to work more on DMS.

I have a ton of ideas I want to get done before classes start back up, including getting alot of my X-Men project taken care of.

I'll keep you guys updated!